How councils work

Our ‘how councils work’ series of reports aims to stimulate change and provide practical support to help councils continue improving their performance. The topics are based on recurring themes and issues from our Best Value and performance audit work, the work of local auditors and our annual overview report.


Safeguarding public money

Safeguarding public money: are you getting it right?

Our latest report helps councillors to ensure that sound risk management and financial controls are working to protect public money.

The report from the Accounts Commission found that the need for robust scrutiny of financial management at councils is more important now than ever before. Read more about the report.

Roles and working relationships in councils: are you still getting it right?

Roles and working relationships in councils: are you still getting it right?

The follow-up to our 2010 report Roles and working relationships: are you getting it right?, published in 2016, aims to help councillors and officers review their practice and take any action to ensure that their council’s governance remains fit for purpose. As part of the research for the report, the Commission hosted round table discussions to explore how the current local government environment impacts on the governance in councils.


How councils work report series