Memoranda of understanding

Police Investigations and Review Commissioner, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland and HM Fire Service Inspectorate in Scotland

The Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 places a duty on the Auditor General for Scotland, inspectors of constabulary in Scotland and inspectors of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service to cooperate and coordinate activity with each other to improve how we carry out our functions.

 Police Investigations and Review Commissioner - Memorandum of understanding - PDF 147Kb

 HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland - Memorandum of understanding - PDF 273Kb

 HM Fire Service Inspectorate in Scotland - Memorandum of understanding- PDF 200Kb

The Department for Work and Pensions

The Accounts Commission has responsibility for auditing housing benefit services in Scotland. Audit Scotland carries out this work as part of the housing benefit audit. The roles and responsibilities of both the Department for Work and Pensions and Audit Scotland for improving the quality of administration of housing benefit services in Scotland are contained in the document below.

 The Department for Work and Pensions - Memorandum of understanding - PDF 582Kb