Report: Health and social care integration

December 3, 2015 by Auditor General, Accounts Commission

This audit will look at the new arrangements that councils and NHS boards are putting in place to integrate adult health and care services. Audit Scotland will lead on an assessment of the progress made in implementing the reforms, working closely with the Care Inspectorate (CI) and Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS).

The new arrangements are to be in place by 1 April 2016. Councils and NHS boards are required to establish an integration authority (IA) to plan, resource and oversee the delivery of adult health and social care services in their area, providing better outcomes for people by improving joint working and sharing resources.

The aim of the audit is to establish if IAs are making good progress in integrating health and social care services, in line with the provisions and requirements set out by the Scottish Government. Our report will set out what progress councils and NHS boards have made to integrate health and social care services; if they are establishing clear and appropriate governance and financial arrangements; and what challenges and risks are emerging to the development of effective integrated health and social care services.

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